Friday 31 October 2014

Home Remedy to beat High Cholesterol

Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli
Call : 08050801515

Thursday 30 October 2014

Home Remedy for Anaemia

Keva Ayurveda Health Care Pvt Ltd
Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli

Call : 08050801515

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Home Remedy for Hair fall and Dandruff

Keva Ayurveda Health Care Pvt Ltd
Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli

Call : 08050801515

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Home Remedy for Bad Breath

Keva Ayurveda Health Care Pvt Ltd
Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli

Call : 08050801515

Monday 27 October 2014

Home Remedies for Acne

Keva Ayurveda Health Care Pvt Ltd
Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli

Call : 08050801515

Sunday 26 October 2014

Home Remedies Week

For Natural Home Remedies on common ailments, follow us this week between 27th Oct - 2nd Nov 2014.

Keva Ayurveda Health Care Pvt Ltd
Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli

Call : 08050801515

Saturday 25 October 2014

Benefits of Avocados

Keva Ayurveda Health Care Pvt Ltd
Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli

Call: 08050801515

Monday 20 October 2014

Keva Ayurveda wishes Happy Diwali

Keva Ayurveda wishes Happy Diwali 

Say NO to crackers
Let's celebrate an ECO friendly Diwali!

Keva Ayurveda Health Care Pvt Ltd
Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli

Call: 08050801515

Sunday 19 October 2014

Happy and Satisfied customers of Keva Ayurveda :)

Keva Ayurveda Health Care Pvt Ltd
Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli

Saturday 18 October 2014

Ayurvedic Treatments for Arthritis!

The strength of Ayurveda in the area of spine and joint care is globally appreciated.

Keva Ayurveda's Joint care Program is a well planned health programme employing all the potentials of Ayurveda to treat various ailments such as low back ache, Spondylitis, Slip disc, Sciatica, Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Sports injuries and much more.

Our therapies are directed towards relieving the inflammation, Releasing the spam in the effected area, strengthening the supportive tissues holding the spine and Nourishing the joints through improving circulation.

Atypical treatment cycle spanning 4-6 weeks would include Choornaswedam, Patrapotalaswedam, Pichu, Pizichil, Katibasthi, Greevabasthi, virechanam, vasthy,nasyam,etc.

Call us on 08050801515 to know more.

Keva Ayurveda Health Care Pvt Ltd
Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli

Friday 17 October 2014

Wonder Herbs for Arthritis

Wonder Herbs for Arthritis:

1. Turmeric:

In a tea cup, prepare a golden yellow paste by mixing the turmeric powder with the honey. Pour hot water into the cup, and stir well to dissolve the turmeric paste into the liquid. Drink your anti-arthritis turmeric tea once it has has cooled down a bit.

2. Ginger:

Fresh ginger tea can be made by adding finely chopped ginger to boiled water, letting it steep for 2-3 minutes, and then straining out the ginger. It is an effective natural anti-inflammatory that helps reduce pain and inflammation.

3. Flax seeds:

Take flaxseed oil 1 tea spoon per day in divided doses with meals. Flaxseed oil is rich in essential fatty acids that help decrease inflammation and may improve symptoms of arthritis in the knees. Omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed oil might reduce morning knee stiffness associated with autoimmune conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

4. Holy Basil:

Simply cover 2 teaspoons of fresh basil leaves with 8 ounces of boiling water, then cover and let steep for about 5 minutes before straining the leaves off and drinking. It is a strong anti-inflammatory medication when it comes to easing the swelling and pain of arthritis.

5. Garlic:

Add 5-6 garlic cloves in a glass of water, add a glass of milk to the container. Boil it till half the quantity remains and drink once a day. The anti-inflammatory properties of garlic can help to ease arthritic pain and swelling.

Keva Ayurveda Health Care Pvt Ltd
Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli

Call: 08050801515

Thursday 16 October 2014

Essential things to prevent arthritis:

Essential things to prevent arthritis:

1. Sleep:

Pain induces lack of sleep and lack of sleep induces pain. Healthy cartilage helps you move by allowing bones to glide over one another. Plenty of sleep will help you stay healthy and keep your joints healthy too.

2. Exercise:

Lack of exercise actually can make your joints even more painful and stiff. That's because keeping your muscles and surrounding tissue strong is crucial to maintaining support for your bones. Not exercising weakens those supporting muscles, creating more stress on your joints. It increases strength and flexibility, reduces joint pain, and helps combat fatigue.

3. Diet:

Foods which are easily digestible and do not make wind or gas are good. Vegetable juices and soups are good. Avoid eating hot, spicy and fried foods, sweets, wind forming foods like cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, okra and potatoes should be prohibited. Avoid taking too much tea, coffee, alcohol, white sugar, yogurt, chocolate and cocoa, excessive smoking

4. Massage:

Ayurvedic massage creates a deep relaxation in the body where deeply rooted imbalances in the system can be overcome, restoring harmony and functional integrity of the doshas. Helps release joints and relaxes muscles for greater freedom of movement. It increases blood circulation and encourages the elimination of metabolic wastes. There is significant relief from anxiety, fatigue, circulatory disorders, rheumatic and arthritic problems, backaches and injuries.

Keva Ayurveda Health Care Pvt Ltd
Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli

Call: 08050801515

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Do's and Don'ts for Athritis

Do's and Don'ts for Arthritis

Keva Ayurveda Health Care Pvt Ltd
Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli

Call: 08050801515

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Get treated Naturally for Arthritis at Keva Ayurveda

Get treated Naturally for Arthritis at Keva Ayurveda

Keva Ayurveda Health Care Pvt Ltd
Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli

Call: 08050801515

Saturday 11 October 2014

World Arthritis Day!

Celebrate World Arthritis Day!

Get treated Naturally for Arthritis with Ayurveda

Follow us this week between 12th Oct - 19th Oct. 2014 to know more about Arthritis Management and tips.

For free consultation, Call : 08050801515

Keva Ayurveda Health Care Pvt Ltd
Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli

Arthritis awareness week!

Are you serious about getting treated for Arthritis ???

If so, follow us this week between 12th Oct - 19th Oct. 2014 to know more about Arthritis Management and tips.

Join us, Share this post and raise awareness!

Keva Ayurveda Health Care Pvt Ltd
Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli

Call : 08050801515

Friday 10 October 2014

Panchaphala Lepam

Panchaphala Lepam:

Fruit facials have been there for at least a decade now. But with people getting more wary of effect of chemicals on the skin, a majority of them are now resorting to using something from their own kitchen. What better way to pamper your skin than with pure stuff which is free of toxins and not harmful to your skin?

Keva Ayurveda's Panchaphala Lepam help - Regenerate skin cells, restore skin elasticity, and fight skin aging. As a result, leaves skin smoother, firmer, more even-toned, younger looking, and more moisturized.

Keva Ayurveda Health Care Pvt Ltd
Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli

Call : 08050801515

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Keva Ayurveda introduces Natural hair Dyes

Keva Ayurveda introduces Natural hair Dyes formulated from our ancient texts using Henna, Amla, Bringaraj,etc which are free from Ammonia, PPD, Hydrogen peroxide and other harmful chemicals..!!!

Commercial hair dyes contain harsh chemicals which might have an adverse effect on your hair and can cause hair damage. These dyes can also lead to hair loss. Hence, instead of using these, one should opt for natural hair dyes.

A healthy mane is everyone’s dream and to get shiny and lustrous locks!

Use our Hair Color and give your hair the much needed love.

Different Hair Dye colors available at Keva Ayurveda:

Soft Black, Jet Black, Light Brown, Dark Brown, Burgundy

Keva Ayurveda Health Care Pvt Ltd
Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli

Call : 08050801515

Saturday 4 October 2014

Health Benefits of Blueberries

Keva Ayurveda Health Care Pvt Ltd
Multi Speciality Ayurveda Clinic I Pharmacy I Therapy Centre
Locations: BTM Layout | HSR Layout | Indiranagar| Marathahalli

Call : 08050801515