Sunday 30 November 2014

Ayurvedic Weight Loss tips

Instead of cutting down calories, you have to first check when you are eating most of your calories. 
According to Ayurveda, lunch is the most important meal of the day because it is when your Agni (Digestive fire), is the strongest. As the sun goes down, so does our Agni. So you should eat the least number of calories at dinner.

A Small Experiment:

Measure the number of calories that you are currently consuming on a daily basis. Don’t reduce the total number of calories you are eating, but eat the majority of your calories at lunch (at least 50%) with least number of calories at dinner 2-3 hrs before you go to bed.
Without any additional effort, you should begin to lose weight.

A typical day’s meals should be:

1. Breakfast- should be easy-to-digest foods like hot oatmeal, hot cereal, or fresh fruit.

2. Lunch should be your largest meal when you eat the heavy foods.

3. Dinnertime is when your digestive fire is the weakest, so this should be your smallest and lightest meal. Dinner should consist of small proportions of easy-to-digest foods such as soups or cooked vegetables. Dinner shouldn't be taken late night because your body’s digestion gets weaker at night and cannot process food as well; undigested food is turned into toxins and often stored in your fat cells.

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