Monday 20 January 2014


This weight loss diet is developed after analysing many of the available plans and customising for using while undergoing Ayurvedic programmes. Because of its systemic cleansing effect, in addition to weight loss, it will improve your attitudes and emotions. The seven-day plan is based on chemical reactions within the body and therefore you need not worry about caloric intake. The traditional therapies and herbal medicines included as part of the diet help to eliminate fat deposits in the body.

There are no detrimental effects if the diet plan is repeated often. It is designed to refresh your system and increase your feeling of wellbeing. You can anticipate losing about 10 pounds after being on the diet for 10 days. In addition you can expect to have more energy and an improved disposition. It is very important that during the 7-day diet you drink at least 10 large glasses of water each day.

Day One
Only fresh fruits (excluding bananas). For better results, it is suggested that you include lots of melons, especially watermelon.

Day Two
Have a large boiled potato for breakfast. For the rest of the day eat as many fresh vegetables, raw or cooked, as you like. Avoid oil, coconut, or any other fat.

Day Three
Eat a combination of as many fruits and vegetables as you like. Exclude bananas, potatoes.

Day Four
Eat as many as eight bananas, and drink 3 glasses of milk. You can also have a bowl of vegetable soup.

Day Five
Today grains are introduced into the diet. Eat a cup of rice and 6 whole tomatoes. Drink 12 rather than the usual 10 glasses today since you will have cleanse your system of the excess uric acid your body will be producing.

Day Six
Today is another all vegetable day. You may include one cup of rice. Eat to your hearts content all the cooked and uncooked vegetables you want.

Day Seven
Today your food intake will consist of one cup of rice, fruit juices and all the vegetables you want.

Additional Comments:

The most important element of the program is the 10 large glasses of water a day. You can also flavor the water with some lemon.

While on this program drink only black coffee or tea.

Best not to use oil, but if you must, no more than 1 teaspoon a day.

Because of high caloric content, eat only whole fruits until the 7th day.

If you are hungry at any time, eat raw or cooked vegetables.

What happens to your body on this program and how and why does it work.

Day One
You are preparing your system for the upcoming program. Your only source of nutrition is fresh fruit.

Day Two
Start with a fix of complex carbohydrates in the form of a boiled potato, taken for energy and balance. The rest of the day consists of only vegetables, high in essential nutrients and fiber, but virtually no calories.

Day three
Eliminate the potato because you get your carbohydrates from fruits. Your system is now to start burning excess fat. You will still have cravings but they will start to diminish by day four.

Day Four
Although bananas and milk sound least desirable, you are in for a surprise. You will notice a definite desire for sweets and the bananas will satisfy that craving and provide you with needed potassium. Milk will provide needed sodium. You can even have milk in your coffee or tea today.

Day Five
The rice and tomato day. The rice is for carbohydrates and the tomatoes are for the digestion and fiber. Lots and lots of water is needed to purify your system. You should notice colorless urine today. Do not skip the rice today although you don’t have to eat a whole cup. You do need to eat the 6 tomatoes.

Day Six and Seven
Similar to five; vitamins and fiber from the vegetables, and carbohydrates from the rice.

Keva Ayurveda Healthcare Pvt Ltd
BTM layout: #57, 35th Main, BTM 2nd Stage, Bangalore - 560076
HSR Layout: #600, 14th Main, 15th Cross, HSR Sector-4, Bangalore - 560102
Indiranagar: #1334, 12th Cross, 2nd Stage, Double Road, Bangalore - 560038
Call: 08050801515

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